what to expect



Phase 1: Relief Care

After your initial visit, you will understand the foundation and general objective of Chiropractic Care. The first phase of care is to address the subluxations found through objective findings to reduce pain, tension, and restore general movement of the spine.

Phase 2: Restorative Care

Your body is just getting started to adapt to its more functional environment when transitioning into Restorative Care from Relief Care. By this time, following a consistent care plan, the muscles and tissues developed a healthier receptive memory preventing you from further injury and/or pain. It is important to keep this pattern to heal properly.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

 During Wellness Care, the ultimate goal is to keep your body at its optimum health through regular maintenance and spinal checkups. You may not have chronic or acute pain, but you may have a stressful job that is physically and mentally draining, a labor intensive job that requires repetitive motion, or you may be an athlete that wants to enhance or maintain your performance. Whatever it is, Chiropractic care carries benefits for all people, whether they are currently experiencing pain or not.